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  • Image of HELLFIRE Smelling Salts/HELLFIRE luktesalt
  • Image of HELLFIRE Smelling Salts/HELLFIRE luktesalt
  • Image of HELLFIRE Smelling Salts/HELLFIRE luktesalt

HELLFIRE Smelling Salts/HELLFIRE luktesalt

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189,00 kr
  • A must for Serious Training & Maximum Effort
  • Ammonium Carbonate - No leaking problems!
  • Loved by Strongmen & Powerlifters
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HELLFIRE Smelling Salts/HELLFIRE luktesalt

189,00 kr
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5 Great reasons to buy from us:

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HELLFIRE luktesalt gir deg det kicket du trenger for å få FOKUS og bli KLAR til din neste personlige rekord

Luktesalt frigjør ammoniakkgass, noe som utløser en inhalasjonsrefleks som gjør at musklene som styrer pusten virker raskere. I tillegg økes også hjertefrekvensen, blodtrykket og hjernens aktivitet ved å aktivere det sympatiske nervesystemet.

Grunnen til at vårt HELLFIRE luktesalt er så populært er at det gir deg akkurat nok kick uten at nese og øyne renner eller at det blir for sterkt og du mister fokus.

  • Brukes til å psyke opp utøvere
  • Brukes av styrkeløftere, strongmanutøvere, vektløftere eller styrkeutøvere som trenger et ekstra boost 
  • Balansert styrke som gir deg det kicket du trenger uten å miste fokus
  • Kvalitets HDPE flaskedesign med re-forseglbar stopper og skrukork for å holde saltet ferskt lenger
  • 2oz/ 56g 


  1. Hold unna ansiktet
  2. Åpne flaske og fjern stopperen
  3. Beveg flasken forsiktig mot ansiktet og inhaler en liten eim
  4. Lukk flasken skikkelig eter bruk


  • Ikke bruk hvis forseglingen er brutt eller mangler
  • Kun for utvortes bruk
  • Hold unna øyne
  • Hold unna barn



HELLFIRE smelling salts give you the kick you need to get you FOCUSED and READY for that next PB. Smelling salts release ammonia gas, which triggers an inhalation reflex, this causes the muscles that control breathing to work faster. Additionally they also elevate the heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

The reason our HELLFIRE Smelling Salts are so popular is they have the right amount of kick without causing your nose and eyes to stream or being so strong that you lose focus. Most Smelling Salts on the market are Aqua Ammonia based meaning they are a nightmare when they leak in your gym bag! Cerberus HELLFIRE Smelling Salts are Ammonium Carbonate based so thankfully you won't have this problem.

  • Used as psyching aid by Powerlifters, Strongmen, Weightlifters and Strength Athletes looking for that extra edge
  • Balanced Strength to give you the KICK you need with losing focus
  • Quality HDPE Bottle designed with re-sealable stopper and screw top to keep your salts fresh and longer lasting with no leakage
  • 2oz/ 56g


  • Hold away from the face.
  • Open bottle and remove stopper.
  • Carefully approach the bottle of salts to your nostrils and inhale a slight whiff.
  • Close bottle securely after use.


  • Do not use if the safety seal is broken or missing
  • For external use only
  • Keep away from eyes
  • Keep out of reach of children
     This Item Ships to 

    Returns are easy, simply check out our full return instructions here, then send your item back to us. We'll quickly organise a replacement or size change.

    HELLFIRE luktesalt gir deg det kicket du trenger for å få FOKUS og bli KLAR til din neste personlige rekord

    Luktesalt frigjør ammoniakkgass, noe som utløser en inhalasjonsrefleks som gjør at musklene som styrer pusten virker raskere. I tillegg økes også hjertefrekvensen, blodtrykket og hjernens aktivitet ved å aktivere det sympatiske nervesystemet.

    Grunnen til at vårt HELLFIRE luktesalt er så populært er at det gir deg akkurat nok kick uten at nese og øyne renner eller at det blir for sterkt og du mister fokus.

    • Brukes til å psyke opp utøvere
    • Brukes av styrkeløftere, strongmanutøvere, vektløftere eller styrkeutøvere som trenger et ekstra boost 
    • Balansert styrke som gir deg det kicket du trenger uten å miste fokus
    • Kvalitets HDPE flaskedesign med re-forseglbar stopper og skrukork for å holde saltet ferskt lenger
    • 2oz/ 56g 


    1. Hold unna ansiktet
    2. Åpne flaske og fjern stopperen
    3. Beveg flasken forsiktig mot ansiktet og inhaler en liten eim
    4. Lukk flasken skikkelig eter bruk


    • Ikke bruk hvis forseglingen er brutt eller mangler
    • Kun for utvortes bruk
    • Hold unna øyne
    • Hold unna barn



    HELLFIRE smelling salts give you the kick you need to get you FOCUSED and READY for that next PB. Smelling salts release ammonia gas, which triggers an inhalation reflex, this causes the muscles that control breathing to work faster. Additionally they also elevate the heart rate, blood pressure, and brain activity by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

    The reason our HELLFIRE Smelling Salts are so popular is they have the right amount of kick without causing your nose and eyes to stream or being so strong that you lose focus. Most Smelling Salts on the market are Aqua Ammonia based meaning they are a nightmare when they leak in your gym bag! Cerberus HELLFIRE Smelling Salts are Ammonium Carbonate based so thankfully you won't have this problem.

    • Used as psyching aid by Powerlifters, Strongmen, Weightlifters and Strength Athletes looking for that extra edge
    • Balanced Strength to give you the KICK you need with losing focus
    • Quality HDPE Bottle designed with re-sealable stopper and screw top to keep your salts fresh and longer lasting with no leakage
    • 2oz/ 56g


    • Hold away from the face.
    • Open bottle and remove stopper.
    • Carefully approach the bottle of salts to your nostrils and inhale a slight whiff.
    • Close bottle securely after use.


    • Do not use if the safety seal is broken or missing
    • For external use only
    • Keep away from eyes
    • Keep out of reach of children
      This Item Ships to   

      Returns are easy, simply check out our full return instructions here, then send your item back to us. We'll quickly organise a replacement or size change.

      HELLFIRE Smelling Salts/HELLFIRE luktesalt

      189,00 kr

      Smelling Salts Explained

      The Iron Edge Podcast Ep12, Victoria Long

      Don't Take Our Word For it! Here's What Top Athletes Say:

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